Why Arlen Specter is the biggest tool in the Senate

Today's political theater is merely the nail in the coffin.
However, it was particularly disingenuous of Arlen "Benedict" Specter to justify his party switch with the claim that the Republicans had moved too far to the right for his liking.
Meanwhile, he'd have us believe that the Democratic party has NOT moved too far to the left?!
In all actuality, I think it's fair to conclude that Specter is simply an opportunist of the lowest order. I'm not saying he is completely lacking in the principles department, but his track record speaks for itself. He has long fluttered about in the prevailing winds, willing to sell his soul (and his vote) to whomever he thinks will give him the biggest political pay-off. Unfortunately, this has meant that he's also been willing to sell his constituents (and the rest of us) down the river in the process, saddling our children, grandchildren, and their children and grandchildren with unprecedented levels of debt.
The funniest thing about Specter's drama du jour is that he either is oblivious to the fact that he has become a tool for the ObamaNation, or he just doesn't care.
I say, "Good riddance to bad rubbish." The people of Pennsylvania can do much better, and I hope they do at the polls next year.
Okay, crawling down from the soapbox now . . .
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