Saturday, December 26, 2009

Boxing Day at the Flea Market

Those of us of British extraction typically mark this date on the calendar, the day after Christmas, by boxing-up the old to make way for all the new.

That's why we call it Boxing Day.

So, I suppose it's the Irish blood that led me to a flea market in search of more junk instead . . .

Today's target was Renninger's up in Mount Dora, and there were actually three specific booths on the agenda.

Without revealing too much about ye olde shopping habits around here, suffice it to say:

The first booth was no longer in existence. I guess that's a sign of the woeful economic times.

The second booth was still there, but wasn't open because the owners were apparently still merry-making.

And, the third booth was too cold to spend much time hunting thru the inventory.

Oh, well. This sleigh is heading back to Orlando as empty as it arrived . . .

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