Wednesday, May 24, 2006


John Burden forwarded the following link to the WallBuilders site:

It's a pretty nifty place to navigate if you're a history buff, and provides a much-needed reminder that our forebears had a lot more than economic motivations in building this country.

That perspective is often lost on modern "intellectuals." I prefer to substitute the term "soulless self-loathing cynics." But, that's just me.

If you're confused by the aspersions, just note how the tie-die and Birkenstock crowd focuses on "taxation without representation" as a root cause of the American Revolution. Or, how 'bout "the peculiar institution" as a root cause of The War Between the States?

I'm not saying that either of the above wasn't a root cause, but they were just a few among many. And, WallBuilders reminds us that a belief in Divine Providence also played a role. A very important role.

And, that's worth remembering.


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