Back to school for Seminole County kids

I mean, surely all the problems on the roads today can be attributed to the big yellow busses, right?!
Don't try telling me that I live and work in Orange County and can't use that excuse!
At least one person was breathing a big sigh of relief that the kids started back to school today. Mammy Jenks up in Sanford got four hoodlums out of the house today. That's right. FOUR!
TJ is starting the 8th grade, Mike the 6th, and little Alyssa is in preschool.

I wonder if she knows how extremely uncool it is to run around with the word "Noles" on your clothing . . .
Well, at least it's not written in garnet and gold . . .
Anyway, congrats to the happy parents of Seminole County. Condolences to the kids. And, forewarning to you hoodlums here in Orange County: YOU'RE NEXT!
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