Monday, March 05, 2007

Conflicting reports

We heard from my dad's hospice physician that he was doing "much better" today, that he was "verbalizing" and "eating real food."

But, what does that mean?

As we had returned to Orlando to get the house ready, we needed some eyes and ears on the ground. And, as luck would have it, my uncle Dan was in Miami on business this week. So, he agreed to pay a personal visit.

Unfortunately, the "much better" part of the report seems to pertain only to his improved breathing. (No longer fighting the bronchitis and MRSA we witnessed over the weekend.)

Dan saw no verbalizing at all. And, "eating" was limited to a few spoonfuls of applesauce, which we had also seen this weekend.

So, no real improvement, other than the clear lungs should allow him to better endure the trip back to Orlando.

Now, if we could only get an available bed at the receiving facility in Winter Park . . .


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