Reagan is proved right . . . again!

The name was used, somewhat derisively at the time, because the bold initiative proposed the use of a defense shield to protect America and her allies from incoming missiles launched by foreign aggressors.
At the time, of course, "foreign aggressors" meant the Soviets and the communist bloc.
Today, the defense shield that many pooh-poohed in the 1980s is protecting the planet from errant satelites.
From some point west of Hawaii in the Pacific Ocean, our Navy's missile defense cruiser U.S.S. Lake Erie lobbed a missile nearly 130 miles into the stratosphere to blow-up an aging spy satelite that was threatening to come busting thru our atmosphere and wreak incalculable damage on Earth.
And, they hit their target on their first attempt.
Simply amazing.
Of course, today we are not so much worried about commies as we are about Islamofascists. And, the only major player on the world stage capable to similar missile launches is China. In early 2007, they destroyed one of their own weather satelites. But, they left 100,000 pieces of debris floating around in space.
The U.S. Navy was far more effective. Their target was obliterated. And, any chunks left over will soon be burning up as they re-enter Earth's atmosphere.
Once again, Reagan's principles are proving timeless. This time it is the necessity of a strong military, not just for national defense but for all the other benefits that spin-off of it.
Now, let's talk about his other principles of lower taxes and a smaller federal government!
Labels: Hawaii, Ronald Reagan, taxes
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