Is that Springtime we can see on the horizon?!

Given the weather in this little corner of heaven today, yours truly is hopeful that winter is indeed drawing to a close!
It's been a brutal one, at least by Central Florida standards.
The egghead meteorologists with their super-dee-duper doppler thingamajigs tell us that this has in fact been the fifth coldest winter around these parts since whoever started keeping track of such stuff started keeping track.
I believe them.
Granted, we've had no snow or ice like some of ye socks.
But, when we have to turn the heat on down here, significant panic ensues . . . if for no other reason than the anticipation of the ghastly utility bills that come with taking such action.
Today, though, I can report bright sunshine, moderate temps, and nary a cloud in the sky.
Can I put in an order for a couple dozen more of this type o' day?!
Labels: Central Florida, weather
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