Thursday, October 26, 2006

Necker Cube

I'm still trying to finish a book I bought at the beach earlier this month.

The reason is that it's one of those books that you have to go back and re-read in sections.

Or, at least, I do. Making sure I'm catching all the between-the-lines stuff.

Anyway, this book included an interesting comparison between the Necker Cube and perceptions of people.

The cube is a cool optical illusion. Some people will see it facing one way, others will see another way. Everybody's looking at the same thing, but defining it by their own perceptions. And, nobody's wrong!

Kinda like your perceptions of people. You can look at the same person, and draw completely different conclusions about them than someone standing right next to you.

And, your own perceptions can change if you come back the next day and look at the same cube or person.

The same components are there. It's all in your perception. You're just seeing them differently with the passage of time.

Hmmmm . . .


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