Wednesday, November 08, 2006

Now, what?!

I think every neighborhood has that crazy dog that chases cars.

He runs up and down the street, barking his fool head off, trying to catch any moving vehicle the way a normal dog chases after squirrels and rabbits.

But, have you ever noticed what that crazy dog does when a driver hits the brakes and slows down enough for him to actually catch-up to the car?

He stops and stares at the tires with a stupid look on his face, as if he's saying "Now, what do I do?"

Well, that's what I was thinking of when I saw the Dumbocrats seized the majority in Congress last night.

At least, Nancy Pelosi looks like that stupid dog in my neighborhood.

She's been pretty good at running rabid around Capitol Hill the last few years, criticizing Republicans and pimping her San Francisco values.

But, now she's faced with actually governing. A scary prospect for the governed to be sure.

Have faith, though. She may just sit there staring at the tires for a long time.


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