My submission went vertical!
I've been teasing you socks about the literary masterpiece I submitted to the Huckabee campaign for over a week now.
Well, I'm pleased to report that it made the final cut, and appeared on the governor's blog on Vertical Day!
You can read it for yourself by clicking this link:
I must admit that I was in good company. Others who made the final cut were:
Newt Gingrich, former Speaker of the U.S. House of Representatives
David Beasley, former Governor of South Carolina
Dr. Laurence White
Bob Vander Plaats, Iowa State Chair of the Huckabee Campaign
Larry Perault -
Amy Tucker -
John Witt -
Nuke Gingrich -
One Mom -
Pretty cool, huh?!
Go, Mike, go!!

Labels: David Beasley, Mike Huckabee, Newt Gingrich
For you socks who don't want to break your finger by clicking your mouse to access the text of my literary masterpiece, I thought I'd post it right here in the dryer for your convenience:
Mike Huckabee has been my choice to become the next President of the United States since March 2, 2007. That's the day he addressed the Conservative Political Action Conference in Washington, DC. And, that's where he made the confident assertion that America's "greatest generation" has not yet been born.
With all due respect to the Wold War II Generation, and much respect is indeed due for their valiant war against global fascism, I have felt more than a bit uneasy about that designation ever since Tom Brokaw coined it. From an historical standpoint, I think it cheapens the tremendous achievements of the nation's founders and those who forged our union thru the crucible of civil war. But, more than that, it makes the chilling statement that our nation's best days are behind us.
Governor Huckabee rejects that notion. He brings a sense of optimism to the table that hasn't been seen since the days of the Gipper. And, like the Great Communicator, he is able to connect with the American people to deliver that message of hope for an even greater future for our nation.
Every generation has its challenges. Our forefathers have always dutifully risen to the occasion, whether founding a nation, forging a union, or fighting a global war. And, it is up to the present generation of Americans to answer posterity's call to duty, too.
Indeed, our challenges are manyfold. We must defeat al-Qaeda's terrorist threat. We must give democracy a firm toehold in Iraq. We must become energy independent. We must make our sytem of taxation fair. We must become physically healthier. We must promote a culture of life. And, finally we must invest in the education of our children, for their generation will have challenges of their own to face.
To meet these challenges, we need Mike Huckabee's leadership and vision. We need a president who recognizes the achievements of our forebears, but still believes America's greatest days are yet to come. And, we need a president who has both solid plans to achieve that greatness and the ability to communicate them in a way that rallies the American people to his cause.
I am tired of all the red state versus blue state nonsense. I am tired of those who tell us our best days are behind us. I have been waiting for a long time for a clear, honest, optimistic voice to emerge and challenge this country to live up to its tremendous legacy. Governor Huckabee does that. That's why I like him. And, that's why he needs to be our next President.
William Morgan lives in Apopka, Florida, and has a full-time job managing his family's construction business in nearby Orlando. In his spare time, he has authored numerous periodical articles and several books, including the recent Like the Cats of Kilkenny [ISBN 1425912028]. He also makes daily posts on a variety of subjects at his blog:
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