Wednesday, October 10, 2007

12 Action Steps to Stop Abusing Our Planet

Remember, the first great activist for conservation was a Republican president by the name of Theodore Roosevelt. Mike Huckabee is carrying on the tradition, but with the modern eye on achieving energy independence. Here are his suggestions from his recent book "From Hope to Higher Ground":

1. Never litter!

2. Report littering to your state's litter hotline. If your state doesn't have a hotline, advocate for one.

3. Conserve gas by combining trips to do errands . . . better, yet, walk or ride a boke.

4. Carpool to work or school.

5. Walk or bike whenever you can.

6. Turn off lights and appliances when not in use.

7. Have an energy audit of your home.

8. Spend time outdoors hiking, bird-watching, hunting, or fishing.

9. Keep your car maintained and serviced for better fuel efficiency.

10. Take your family camping.

11. Recycle paper, glass, plastic, and aluminum.

12. Learn more about renewable fuel sources and consider energy-efficient appliances and construction processes.

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