Tuesday, December 30, 2008

8 positive notes

Ok, I have been catching a lot of flack recently for my crappy year-end attitude. Almost all of said flack is justified, I suppose. So, I decided to sit down today and post a list of ten good things that happened in 2008.

Well, that was harder than I expected it to be!

I only came up with 8!!

So, here's my 8 for '08, in no particular order:

1. Gas prices dropped to affordable levels in time for the holiday season.

2. Texas Tech's football team finally got some respect beyond the staked plains.

3. Only one minor tropical storm came to this neck of the woods, no hurricanes.

4. Michael Phelps struck gold in Beijing. Repeatedly.

5. The explosion of facebook has put yours truly back in touch with a lot of folks.

6. The Gators won the SEC championship and the right to play for a 3rd national championship.

7. The Disaster in Waiting is still just in waiting.

8. Mike Huckabee got his own show on FoxNews.

It was a struggle to come up with these. Let's hope '09's list is easier to compile!!



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