Backalley bandit caught in the act!
Then, all of a sudden, the north side of my house was flooded by spot lights.
That's not an entirely unheard of circumstance, as the motion detectors I have out there cause the lights to come on as soon as someone pulls into my driveway.
But, there wasn't a car in the drive this time. And, I didn't see anybody on foot when I looked thru the windows.
Maybe some strong wintery winds were blowing branches? Nope.
What could it be?!
Kinda freaked me out when it happened the 2nd and 3rd times. I even went out there to try to figure out what was tripping those motion detectors, but found nothing. Hallowe'en was a month ago!
Didn't get much sleep last night, worrying about what I might have creeping around out there.
Then, as I was sipping coffee this morning, I spotted the culprit: the biggest raccoon I've ever seen was gingerly making his way across the property wall.
I wonder how he got so big?
Probably from going thru so many post-Thanksgiving trash cans in the alleyways of College Park . . .
Well, at least the mystery is solved and I don't have to worry about the paranormal explanations that were running thru my head!!
Labels: Elizabeth Avenue house, ghosts, Thanksgiving
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