Sunday, February 03, 2008

Standing Still

That's the title of the worst piece of garbage Blockbuster has ever sent me for home viewing.

The premise sounds fairly interesting, but don't let it deceive you.

A group of college friends reunite for a wedding.

So far, so good.

Well, how many twenty-somethings do you know that own their own mansion capable of sleeping a dozen people?

Or, have access to a private jet that can whisk them away to Vegas for the evening?

Or, who would have a wedding and not invite any relatives, just their college clique?

What tripe!

Beyond the unbelievable scenario spun by the out-of-touch script, the acting was horrible.

Particularly offensive were that guy from Dawson's Creek, whose character was perpetually drunk; and Tom Hank's baby-faced son who had to spew an inordinate amount of profanities in his desperate (and ultimately failed) attempt to appear as if he belonged in the same age group as the rest of the cast.

If you have it on your list of movies to see, delete it now. Life is too precious to waste time on piffle like this!

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