Friday, March 21, 2008

Typical white person?!

The fact Senator Barack Hussein Obama used that phrase to describe his own maternal grandmother should refute--once and for all--the liberal mantra that he transcends the racial divide in this country. If you listen to that sort of clap-trap, they would have you believe that he is the only person in America who "gets it."

But, this label he applied to his granny from Kansas tells me that he views white America as one big monolithic group, that thinks, acts, and shares the same attitudes on race.

What a buffoon.

Nothing could be further from the truth.

I thought this guy was Harvard-educated?

Newsflash to the illustrious senator: There is no "typical white person," any more than there is a "typical black person," or a "typical Hispanic person."

We come from different ethnic backgrounds and religious traditions. Does he think an Irish Catholic white person really has the same perspectives as a Russian Orthodox white person? Or, a Southern Baptist white person? Etc. Etc. Etc.

The thing is, we have plenty of labels we can thrust on one another. Liberals like this joke of a Democratic candidate would love to break us all down into these categories, furthering the "hyphenization of America." It plays into their hands to have white-Americans, black-Americans, latino-Americans, Asian-Americans, ad infinitum.

We don't need any more of that sort of divisiveness. Our public servants should be looking at us all as simply Americans.

So much for being a uniter, Senator Obama.

You blew it!

Incidentally, for ye socks interested in such tangential studies, Barack Hussein Obama actually comes from a much more diverse background than the "typical Senator." Check out the details of his pedigree (including his maligned grandma) at:

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