Q-tip head makes it official

You know what they say, when the going gets tough, Charlie gets going.
Since the oh-so-tan Crist took office, we've seen unemployment skyrocket to nearly 10%; our taxes hiked to the tune of $2 billion; and state services cut across the board.
And, now, he wants to take that level of achievement to DC, huh?
Well, in addition to his lousy performance to date, Crist has apparently forgotten the very large number of Republican voters who were disgusted by the way he embraced the ObamaNation's "stimulus" plan and its huge price tag . . . going so far as to welcome the Idiot-in-Chief in person at an appearance in Fort Myers. You can bet that picture is going to get some serious play over the next 18 months when the only "stimulus" we get out of that little plan is going to be runaway inflation . . .
Personally, I'm hoping former state house leader Marco Rubio is able to thwart Crist's further ambitions.
Otherwise, that goober is likely to go down in flames against the Democratic nominee the way he did back in '98 when he foolishly tried to unseat Bob Graham.
Will the madness never end?!?
Labels: Barack Obama, Charlie Crist, politics
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