This day in Orlando history . . .

Aaron Jernigan (1813-1891) was the first permanent American settler in what is now Orlando.
Disclaimer: He is also my great-great-uncle.
He is mentioned here today to remind all ye socks out there who may have been inspired by recent posts to begin researching your own family trees that there is a difference between memorial stones and tombstones.
You see, old Uncle Aaron is buried out at Lake Hill Cemetery in the Orlovista neighborhood just southwest of the city limits.

Anyway, near the center of the cemetery grounds is a utility building. And, just in front of that building is this fairly recent memorial:

This does not mark Aaron Jernigan's final resting place!
To find that, you have to turn to the right.
Just before the fence that separates Lake Hill from the Jewish interments at neighboring Ohev Shalom Cemetery, you will find the plot containing the much more humble tombstones of Aaron, his wife Mary, and many members of the extended family.

(Lake Hill and Ohev Shalom are located at 5950-6000 Old Winter Garden Road, just east of Kirkman Road, west of Orlando.)
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