We may not be speaking the same language, but . . .

They were particularly excited about verse 6, the one that mentions how 12 men baptized by St. Paul began speaking in tongues.
I had always interpreted this to mean that they went forth to relay the Good News in various languages (Hebrew, Latin, Greek, etc.) to the ethnically diverse crowd there in Corinth.
But, that's not the way these guys saw it. It was interesting to see the directions they took.
In fact, they spoke so much about it that they didn't make it down to verse 12, just a few lines down. You know, where the people took some of St. Paul's relics to heal the sick.
But, this is one of the manifestations of the Catholic faith that they probably "get" about as much as I "get" the whole speaking in tongues thing.
Both are drawn from the same Book . . . in fact, the same chapter, and only separated by a couple of lines.
I guess that's the over riding message. Different folks can get different messages from the same source.
Maybe, that's part of a bigger message?!
Labels: Bible, philosophy
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