Friday, March 03, 2006

Survivor Exile Island - Episode 5

Okay, let's start with the reward challenge, which involved retrieving bags of rice and beans and 8 fish from some boats. Each item had to be tossed from one tribe mate to another to a chopping block, where the last person had to chop off the tails and heads.

Has this not been the most gory/brutal/morbid season of Survivor, already?

Anyway, Casaya had problems at the beginning, because they put Bonsai Bruce at the chopping block. But, they eventually figured out that it took more brute strength than samurai finesse. So, Big Bob took over, and they won.

The prize was all the food plus some spices and wine. They also got to choose a member of LaMina to send to Exile Island. Of course, they chose Terry . . . again.

Probst was merciful enough to allow the starving LaMina to take a bag of beans back to their camp. But, the shock of food in their digestive systems had Nick and Austin up all night. Won't go into the disgusting details.

Amazingly, despite the recent reward challenge loss, and the Montezuma's revenge, LaMina came back to win the immunity challenge. (This involved diving for a collection of skulls and assembling them in a pyramid. Again, why so morbid this season?!)

After some campaigning to evict either Big Bob or Bonsai Bruce, the cracks in Casaya turned into canyons. Shane couldn't bring himself to vote against either one, and tossed a vote against Courtney. (Previews for next week imply this will come back to haunt him.) But, in the end, Big Bob took the walk of shame.

The tribe has spoken.


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