Tuesday, June 13, 2006

Rain, rain, go away, come again some other day!

Well, all we seem to be getting out of Alberto is rain and rain and more and more rain.


I also discovered a drawback of having a corner office with a window. When it rains all day, you make like 15 times more trips to the bathroom than usual. Something about the running water, I guess . . . ok, too much sharing.

Anyway, judging by the volume and nature of the email I've been getting today, I guess all the rain has left a lot of people with not enough to do.

For instance, Uncle Bill sent me this link to a web site he's been surfing: www.distantcousin.com -- I think he said he was perusing the 1859 edition of the New York City directory . . . hmmm.

And, Sarah Taylor sent this link, to put things into perspective: http://www.frontiernet.net/~cdm/age1.html

Check em out, if you're housebound or trapped in the office due to the tropical weather. I did!


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