Tuesday, June 06, 2006

D-Day Remembrances

I suppose June 6th will always be marked by remembrances of the D-Day invasion of Normandy back in 1944.

Personally, I also note the day as my parents' wedding anniversary. Sort of a bittersweet reminder nowadays, as Dad can't tell one day from the next anymore.

Also, a good friend called today, and I was reminded it was 3 years ago on this date that she lost her husband.

Now, I see on the news, all the yayhoos trying to draw some sort of profound significance from the date being 06-06-06.

Well, in case you've forgotten the lessons from CCD, you don't need to worry about the Antichrist suddenly appearing today. According to Revelations, the rapture has to happen first. And, even then, there's supposed to be a gap of a few years.

So, don't be surprised if absolutely nothing comes from all this nonsensical prattling-on.

Instead, put your time to better use by commemorating the guys who stormed Fortress Europe 62 years ago.

I don't know, fly a flag or something.

That's what I did.


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