Sunday, March 09, 2008

The end of a Sunday tradition?!

Ye socks who know me well know my Sunday routine generally consists of brewing up a pot of coffee, perusing the newspaper, and paying half attention to Charles Osgood on CBS.

And, so it was today that a story on Osgood's show actually got me to put down the paper.

It was about America's increasingly poor sleeping habits. Do you realize the average sleep time back in the 1960s was 8.5 hours per night? Today it is only 6 hours and 40 minutes.

One of the results of this lack of sleep has been an increasing dependance on caffeine as a stimulant.

But, here's the scary part. Some doctor came on to tell Osgood that caffeine will only give you the jolt you're looking for if you use it sparingly, no more than every 3 days or so.

Otherwise, it's just like any other "drug," in that your body builds up a tolerance.

So, those of you/us who depend on that cup o' Joe to get going in the morning, aren't getting anything out of it. You/we should, instead, be targeting the days when we particularly need that extra jolt.

In my case, that's nearly ALWAYS Monday. So, I guess that means I need to switch to decaf on Sundays, now?!?

Perish the thought!



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