Democrat lies to scare voters into government take-over of healthcare

While the "mainstream" media is busy tripping all over itself in their grand effort to make the junior senator from Illinois appear competent on his overseas travels this week, yours truly would like to shift focus to his domestic agenda. I like to call it his "Contract Against America."
Neither he nor his ilk in the Democratic Party are above citing bogus numbers (a.k.a. "lying") to scare voters into believing their socialist propaganda. In this little corner of heaven, we remember all too well the shenanigans of our late not-so-great pill-popping governor Lawton "Smiles for Miles" Chiles.
Well, now their presumptive presidential nominee is propagating the lie that there are 47 million uninsured Americans. And, of course, the only answer is to have the federal government take-over that entire sector of our economy. Bureaucrats know best, don't ya know?!
Poppycock and balderdash!
I refer to the real numbers compiled by the Congressional Budget Office to arrive at the following:
47.00 million "uninsured" in this country at any given time.
-21.15 million who are only temporarily between coverage (less than 4 month gap)
-10.00 million non-citizens (for whom I don't believe we have any obligation to pay)
-7.65 million who are eligible for Medicare or other state-level programs but have failed to apply
= 8.2 million truly long-term uninsured.
That is nothing to be crowing about, to be sure. But, neither does it warrant the higher taxes and bigger government the latest media star is advocating.
Don't believe the hype!
Neither he nor his ilk in the Democratic Party are above citing bogus numbers (a.k.a. "lying") to scare voters into believing their socialist propaganda. In this little corner of heaven, we remember all too well the shenanigans of our late not-so-great pill-popping governor Lawton "Smiles for Miles" Chiles.
Well, now their presumptive presidential nominee is propagating the lie that there are 47 million uninsured Americans. And, of course, the only answer is to have the federal government take-over that entire sector of our economy. Bureaucrats know best, don't ya know?!
Poppycock and balderdash!
I refer to the real numbers compiled by the Congressional Budget Office to arrive at the following:
47.00 million "uninsured" in this country at any given time.
-21.15 million who are only temporarily between coverage (less than 4 month gap)
-10.00 million non-citizens (for whom I don't believe we have any obligation to pay)
-7.65 million who are eligible for Medicare or other state-level programs but have failed to apply
= 8.2 million truly long-term uninsured.
That is nothing to be crowing about, to be sure. But, neither does it warrant the higher taxes and bigger government the latest media star is advocating.
Don't believe the hype!
Labels: Barack Obama, health care
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