Veepstakes prediction: PAWLENTY

The old guy in the foreground is, of course, the presumptive Republican (?!) nominee for president.
But, it's the guy in the background that I want you to notice. He's Tim Pawlenty, the governor of Minnesota.
And, I firmly believe he will be the next Vice President of the United States . . . or, at least, the GOP's next candidate for that office.
I say this based on the conventional wisdom that McCain's candidacy hinges on his running mate selection, probably more-so than any other candidate in recent memory.
There are several reasons, but especially these:
* He's old.
* He's failed (at least to date) to rally the conservative base behind his candidacy since the primaries ended.
* He's lacking in executive experience.
Picking Pawlenty would answer all these criticisms. He's young (for a politician of his caliber). He's a CONSISTENT conservative. And, he's done a great job picking-up the pieces up in Minnesota since Jesse "The Body" Ventura left the governor's mansion in St. Paul.
Add to that the fact that the GOP convention is being held up there this go-round, and you've got all the key ingredients.
Anyway, this theory is something I've been tossing around (off-line) for the last 3 or 4 months, to those who would listen. And, now I'm confident enough to post it here:
McCain will pick Pawlenty.
Labels: John McCain, Minnesota, Tim Pawlenty
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